NIM : 1106080076


1.1 Background of the Study
in Indonesia , English is considered as foreign language. As a matter of fact, English is almost needed in every factor of life. It is important to master English as essentially in international relationship. English is used as mean of communication countries of the word.
The teachers have to improve the competence which will be explained to the students, though the social condition. Beside the competent graduated increase of quality will gained by school reform which indicates with increase of parent’s participant, cooperate with industry , school management flexibility and the other case that can develop the quality in conducive situation.
In learning English, the students must acquire the four skills in English for learner. It is impossible to be successfully fluent enough without mastering them well. They are writing, reading, speaking and listening. Writing is one of English skills that must be taught to the students. It is important for them because it can explore their idea and imagination. According to Byrne (1981: 1) writing is the act of forming symbols (letter or combination of letter) which are related to the ideas we want to pour out. The symbols have to be arranged from a paragraph. Writing can be said to be an act of forming these symbols, marking mark on plat surface.
1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background above, the writer wants to find the effective strategy to be used in teaching and learning English. The statements of the problem are:
1. What techniques does the teacher use to explain the lesson in writing?
2. What activities occur in writing lesson?
3. What the student attitude toward the writing lesson in JCOT stage?
4. How is the student achivemant in writing?
1.3 Objectives of the Study

Derived from the statement of the problems above, the purposes of study is
1. To know Technique the teacher was to explain writing subject.
2. To know activities in writing subject
3. To know the students attitude towards, the writing lesson in JCOT stage.
4. to know how effectiveness ice cream dream book to develop student writing skill.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The writer expects the result of the study will be useful and helpful for Teaching English as foreign language either for the teacher or the students.

1. English Teacher
It is expected that the English teacher always tries to find out and use the new strategy as the alternative one to maximize the students activity.

2. The Students
It is expected that student will practice their English effectively to get better result and understand every topic in it. So, the students will prove it and do by themselves to find the way out of the problem more than they copy the information from their teacher. It makes the learning process and the issuing knowledge stick up on their mind.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of Study
The scope of the study is to discuss the technique of teaching English in general. However, the writer limits the discussion on the technique of teaching English using competence- based curriculum. By this way, she hopes that she can discuss it deeply and implement it in teaching and learning process effectively. The scope of the study is limited to:

1. The tenth class of students.
2. Applying “JCOT” stage in writing skill in written form.
3. Learning : to gain knowledge or skill by study experience or being tau).
4. Writing : The writer activity to express everything they have read, seen, heard or,
5. JCOT : Join Construction Of Text is one of stage which must be passed in Teaching and learning process in competence based curriculum. (Depdiknas 2004)


2.1 What is JCOT?
Joint Construction Of Text (JCOT) is one of the stages which must be passed in teaching and learning process in competence-based curriculum. In this stage the students do their assignment with their partner or their group, create a simple conversation or produce a paragraph then present their answer in front of the class. In Joint Construction Of Text the students discuss the topic that will be made with their group, about the component of generic structure from the text.
They can make a draft from the text after they get agreement from their group. When they make a draft there is better if they make a picture or flashcard to make a paragraph more interesting. They can draw by themselves or cut it from a newspaper or magazine. After they finish to make a draft, they can consult to the facilitator in order to read and get a comment from the facilitator. They can try to tell the paragraph without the text one by one in their group.
Based on the media education English, today classroom management becomes one of techniques to improve the teaching language. The advantages of it are the influence of situation to the feeling in using language and degree of interaction between the students. A media can show the important role to motivate the students optimally in a conducive situation, language becomes a contextual in teaching, and helps to keep discipline activity. Good classroom management can make the student socialization with another friend better.
Writing may truly be considered the most sophisticated. In listening and in reading, the students receive a message formulated by another. Their role receptive even though they may be actively interpreting and analyzing what they are hearing or reading. In speaking, the students are engaged in communicating their own ideas and feelings, but with approximations and explanations, conversation involves give and take with an interlocutor. According to Valetta says communication through the written word. On the other hand, possesses a certain degree of finality and demands real proficiency from the writer if it is to be effective (1977:217). It can be said that in developing the
2.3 Ice Cream Everywhere Lesson Plan

Book Summary
This Rhyme Time Reader, celebrating the joys of eating ice cream, will appeal to children while reinforcing essential literacy skills that lead to reading success. A note to parents from an education specialist gives specific examples of how to use the book with children to support literacy development.

students will engage in activities to hear and identify rhyming words, read familiar words on their own, relate personal experiences to the text, and develop creative-thinking and writing skills.

Before Reading
Show the students book Ice Cream Everywhere. First ask your students if they like ice cream. Do they have a favorite flavor? Next, ask them to describe their favorite ice cream treat (E.g., ice cream cone, sandwich, sundae, banana split, etc.). Record their comments on chart paper. Review the list with them. Can they think of any more ice cream treats to add to the list? Tell them that they will read the book and compare their favorite ways to eat ice cream with those depicted in the story.

Teaching Plan

Ask the students to share their favorite part of the story. Did the story remind them of an experience they have had? Compare their ice cream list with the book to see if their favorite ice cream treats were depicted.


Time to Chime!
1. Reread the story several times so thestudents become familiar with the text. Read with expression to emphasize the rhythm, rhyme, and joyous mood of the story. As you reread the book encourage the class to chime in. Leave off the last rhyming word of each rhyming-word set so they can complete the sentence. Encourage them to read familiar words like I, you, and, we, all, in, and the.
2. Now invite the students to read the story together without a teacher. Encourage them to read with expression. They can even add hand movements to dramatize the different ways to eat ice cream as they pretend to slurp a float, make ice cream soup, or lick ice cream on a stick.
Rhyming Words for Writing Words
• Index cards
• Small basket or index card holder
• Pencils
• Lined writing paper
1. Ask the students to identify the rhyming-word sets in the book. Have them take turns reading each page. Then ask the child who just read to identify the two rhyming words. Write both rhyming words on an index card. Leave space so additional rhyming words can be added later.
2. After they have recorded all of the rhyming words, ask them to notice which words have similar spellings and which words are very different. Invite them to discuss the differences and similarities.
3. Divide the cards among the children during small-group time. Ask each group to think of additional words that rhyme with the words listed on the cards and add them to the list.
4. Place the rhyming-word cards in a container in the writing area. Include additional index cards with high-frequency words. Invite the children to use the word cards to compose their own stories. Encourage them to try and develop sentences that use rhyming words. Provide time for them to share their stories with their classmates.
Ice Cream Dream Treat
• Construction paper, drawing paper, and lined paper
• Glue sticks
• Child safety scissors
• Pencils, crayons, and markers
1. Provide the children with a variety of art materials and ask them to design an ice cream dream treat. It can be a drawing or collage of a dream ice cream cone, sundae, or something very imaginative such as a bathtub filled with ice cream. Encourage creativity and individuality.
2. After they have completed their art project, provide them with writing materials to create a story about their ice cream dream treat. Schedule a day for children to share their work with classmates. Celebrate their accomplishments with an ice cream party.

2.4. The Role of Student in Teaching Writing
The role of the students is as important as the role of the teacher. In writing process, Hudelson (1989) in O’Malley and Pierce states students are involved in the construction narratives on topics in which they have a personal interest (2001:138). Besides the students need to play an active role, they also need to be receptive to the constructive feedback provided by their teacher or classmates on their writing. By providing and receiving, it can help the students improve their writing.


3.1. Research Design
In this research the researcher is just as the observer. She only observes the teaching and learning process to get the data. The obtaining the data is taken from observation and questionnaire in order to know the role of the treatment in the technique of teacher using competence-based curriculum.

3.2. Subject of the Study
According to Arikunto subject pelitian adalah subjek yang dituju untuk diteliti oleh peneliti. Jika kita berbicara tentang subjek penelitian, sebenarnya kita berbicara tentang unit analisis, yaitu subjek yang menjadi pusat penelitian atau sasaran peneliti.( 2002 : 223 ) The purpose of the subject of the study is to carry out the research, it has something to do with unit of analysis that is, the centre of the research of research target. The subject of the study was the sventh year of class B in MTs.Negri Tuban. The writer chooses this school with the consideration that the seventh year class in MTs.Negri Tuban have been using competence-based curriculum in teaching and learning process.

3.3. Instrument
Research instrument is the way in the research in which the researcher uses to look for the data suitable to the purpose of research. The researcher uses instrument to collection the data.
3.3.1. (Observation)
Observation is the act investigating something to get expected result. Observation is used to get the data on the technique teaching using competence-based curriculum. The research observation is in form of what people do and how they behave, what material conditions are, and how the physical surrounding and local population are mutually effect.

3.3.2. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is the act of giving question to the student which need writer answer. Questionnaire is gives the students and the teacher. The researcher gives several questions to know the student’s opinion, to analyze the data research uses qualitative descriptive method.

3.4. The Procedure of Collecting Data
The procedure of collecting data is step which the researcher looks for and collects the data suitable to the purpose of the research. Before collecting the data, the first step is to get a letter of recommendation signed by Dean of University of PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban for permission to conduct the research at MTs. Negri Tuban. The second step is give the recommendation letter to the headmaster of MTs. Negri Tuban. And then the writer do the research for about ten days. After that the writer give test by the questionnaire to get the data. And the last step is collect the data and take the letter from the MTs. Negri Tuban that explain about the writer research. The sample is 46 students. They get the treatment related to the teaching English using competence-based curriculum and the researcher gives 10 questionnaires to the students and the teacher.

3.5. Procedure of Data Analysis
The writer collects the data through questionnaire and observation. The result will be classified and counted based on the total percent of the data. The result itself will be organized depend on the tendency of students interest in JCOT stage of writing skill. How it gain motivation and interest through the data or less.

Cover of the book


• Byrne, Donn. 1981. Teaching Writing Skill. United Kingdom: Longman.
• Depdiknas.2004. Materi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA: Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Jawa Timur: Depdiknas.